The PTFA planning meeting will be at Heathfields Infants on Friday the 7th of February. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Easter Bingo will take place on Thursday the 10th of April. It will be held at Wilnecote junior school for families from both settings. Details will be sent through the Arbor communication closer to the date.
World Book Day donation boxes will be at the entrance of both Heathfields and Wilnecote school week commencing the 24th of February. Exchange of costumes and books will take place on the 28th February at Heathfields infant school, ready for world book day dress up day on the 6th March.
The summer Fair Planning Meeting will take place at Heathfields on Thursday the 8th of May, please support us with the planning of the Fair.
Silver Smarties . Each child will be given a tube of smarties to take home over half-term. We are asking children to collect or earn by encouraging them to complete tasks, chores, or activities to fill their tube up with coins from friends and family. Tubes to be sealed and handed back to class on 24th February to support the fundraising to continue to improve play activities during lunchtimes and history resource boxes.
We are currently collecting good quality teddies and board games for the summer fair. If you are happy to donate these items, please drop them off at the school office. Thank you.
On the 4th of April, children can come dressed in non-uniform. We ask them to donate an Easter egg for our Easter Bingo event.
Update on Asda Cash Pot total sum of £724.21 (split by Infants: £370.66 and Juniors: £353.55). This has been a fantastic boost to the fundraising. Thank you to all our families that shop at Asda and registered for the cash pot.